hideous angel of technocratic death

hi, i'm sebastian. i like french novels, alan clarke movies, archaeology, an ever rotating roster of horror films and television, and dreaming my life away. this site is an archive of my silly whims and earth-shattering realizations.

august 24, 2024

i feel like ive been suspended in formaldehyde. as the remaining weeks of summer dwindle away and the spectre of my sophomore year inches ever closer, i'm starting to doubt that i'll ever do anything with my life that i'll feel good about. these weeks haven't just been weeks, they've been months and years --- if i don't act soon, they'll become my entire life. today i was sitting in a cafe, letting myself slump over into a delicate pose supported by the tension on my wrists, chin, and spine. i still have my youth, whatever that means, but i haven't the foggiest idea what i'm meant to be doing with it.